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ANIBAN is a granulated anticoccidial for the prevention of coccidiosis in broilers, replacement pullets (up to 16 weeks of age) and turkeys (up to 16 weeks of age) caused by different Eimeria species.

ANIBAN is used to stimulate weight gain and improve feed conversion ratio in ruminants with developed fore-stomach fed in confined areas for slaughter, i.e., feedlot cattle, calves, lambs, and weaned lambs.

Feed ANIBAN to dairy cows for the prevention of ketosis as well as improved milk production.


Monensin sodium 200g/kg

Registration Number:

Reg. No. G4150 (Act 36 of 1947)


For Animal Use Only

Broilers, replacement pullets (up to 16 weeks of age) and turkeys (up to 16 weeks of age)
Include ANIBAN at 450 – 550 g per ton of feed (90 – 110 ppm).

Growing cattle on pastures or in dry lots (stocker, dairy and beef replacement heifers)
Included ANIBAN at 25 – 400 g per ton of feed (5 – 80 ppm)

Feedlot cattle
Included ANIBAN at 25 – 150 g per ton of feed to secure the desired monensin concentration per ton of feed of 50 – 300 mg monensin/head/day

Lambs fattened with concentrated feed as a full ration mixture
ANIBAN is included at 50 g per ton of feed (10 ppm)

Lambs fattened with concentrated feed and hay
Include ANIBAN at 50 g per ton of feed (10 ppm) during the first fattening period (40 – 50 days) and 100 g per ton of feed (20 ppm) during the second fattening period. During both fattening periods, lambs must not consume more than 500 g of concentrated feed daily.

Weaned lambs
During the first 30 days, Include ANIBAN at 50 g per ton of feed (10 ppm).  During the second month, Include ANIBAN at  100 g per ton of feed (20 ppm) and during the following months at 150 g ( per ton of feed (30 ppm). Weaned lambs must not consume more than 500 g of concentrated feed daily.

Cows with signs of subclinical ketosis
Include ANIBAN at 1.25 g per cow per day (divided into two equal parts administered in the morning and in the evening) from the 12th to the 15th day prior to calving in the course of 35 days to provide 250 mg monensin per cow per day.

Dairy cows for improved milk production
Include ANIBAN at 150 – 450 mg monensin/head/day.


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